Pfullinger Schlössle
Pfullingen, The county of Reutlingen
Exactly when the Pfullinger Schlössle was built is unclear. However, analyzing the wood which was used in its construction, historians were able to narrow down the timeframe in which it could have been built to around 1450. It was possibly built by the last member of the Remp family, Caspar Remp. According to a number of documents, he apparently mediated between the families of Württemberg and Zollern as well as between Württemberg and Pfullingen. In addition, the Pfullinger Schlössle might have been used as a residence for the chaplain of the neighboring castle and his assistant. Extensions on the building’s south side as well as near the outer cellar door suggest that it was extensively used in the following centuries. Nowadays, the Pfullinger Schlössle is home to the town’s history museum.