Meidelstetten (Reifesbrünnelefelsen)
Meidelstetten (The municipality of Hohenstein), The county of Reutlingen
Numerous fragments of ceramics provide evidence to the time of origin and abandonment of the hilltop castle. It was built between 1100 and 1150 and was home to the Lords of Meidelstetten until it was given up at the end of the 12th century, possibly due to a fire and its subsequent destruction. Two members of the Meidelstetten family, Rodeger of Meidelstetten and his son Henry, were mentioned numerous times, especially in connection with the monastery at Weißenau near Ravensburg. Today, traces of clay suggest the previous existence of a couple of half-timbered houses. The only visible remnant of Meidelstetten castle is an approximately two meter high and four meter long wall.