Blick vom Hohenneuffen im Landkreis Esslingen zur Achalm im Landkreis Reutlingen.

Das „Hörnle“ bei Pfullingen

Pfullingen, The county of Reutlingen

A potential castle site on the Hörnle near Pfullingen was first discussed in 2005, when a conspicuous ditch was discovered. A little later, an article appeared in a local newspaper with the catchy headline “Submerged Castle Found” and in which the term “Hohenpfullingen Castle” was also mentioned. The reason for such hasty and possibly inappropriate headlines are the numerous legends about the Urselberg, according to which the Ursel, a fairy or mountain spirit, to which travelers made offerings at numerous stopping points along the road leading up the mountain, owned two enchanted castles. Whether these castles ever actually existed on the Urselberg or the Hörnle remains, at least for the time being, rather questionable, since, as of today, no corresponding archaeological finds have been uncovered.

72793 Pfullingen
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